september, 2021

tue28sep(sep 28)7:00 pmsat02oct(oct 2)6:00 pmWorkshop | Awakening the Heart’s IntelligenceProduced by the Merkaba Group

Event Details

If we humans are so smart, then why are we still hurting? For all the goodness of human ingenuity, we find ourselves needing to invent our way out of increasingly dire self-inflicted threats to our own survival. Our scientific prowess has brought us to an age where the human mind has dominion over our entire being. In the few hundred years since French philosopher René Descartes famously declared “I think, therefore I am”, each generation has become more separated from the natural world, our hearts, and the mystical unknown.

The ultimate technology solution, meanwhile, has been within us since our inception. Our ultimate presence resides within the heart. Awakening to this source of higher intelligence—the radiance of our hearts—is our defining opportunity to realize individual and collective freedom from suffering and achieve everlasting goodness.

What if we are smarter than we think?

Each of us has several loci of awareness available at any moment:

  • Our subtle body sensations and gut instincts make up the subconscious realm of our deepest awareness;
  • Our minds, which excel at linear and logical thinking, function primarily to process, memorize, analyze, compartmentalize, compare, and interpret information we receive through our senses;
  • Our hearts are the noumenal place from where our ultimate self (i.e. the soul) shines through our being as an inexhaustible well of creativity, wisdom, and indomitable peace.

Before our brain is even formed, the unborn human fetus comes to life with our first heartbeat. Scientists have found that the heart has its own independent nervous system, a “heart brain” that actually influences the cerebral brain more than vice versa. Amidst a flood of information, the brain creates patterns that help us solve certain problems and make sense of the world. Unlike our brains, our hearts are capable of holding all awareness at once. This dimension of oneness that our hearts perceive cannot be rationalized by the mind.  When we hold existence with our hearts rather than processing with our minds, our minds transform from the false self into an instrument for our eternal self. 

By weaving our hearts back amidst ourselves, we embody the eternal presence we have always been. In the heart space, all belongs to a boundless field of unconditionally loving energy beyond distance and time. This is a deep state of stillness that is bursting with energy. Rather than being separate, all is unconditionally accepted as itself. Whereas the lens of the mind resolves patterns, the heart’s eye sees all possibility at once. Within our hearts, we choose freely from an intelligence that transcends the fathomable. 

How is this program structured?

In this immersive experience, participants will be guided through the process of connecting with our hearts and building the foundation for sustained awakening of heart intelligence. We will be working with the plant of cacao, essential oils, sound, breathing, and embodiment to unleash the radiance within each of our hearts. This experience is suitable for beings from all walks of life, including working professionals, wellness practitioners, and anyone seeking to participate in their own process of healing and ascension. The program will be held through online telepresence and explore four topics:

Topic 1: Opening the heart’s eye

Whether consciously or not, we have all experienced living from the heart. Viewed from a child’s perspective, the world is filled with possibility, purity, and wonder. The boundless radiance that brings existence into being has always been there within our hearts. From unfathomably large clusters of stars to imperceptibly subtle vibrations of energy, we are each connected to all beyond our knowing. Our hearts timelessly belong to this boundless oneness—any moment we can simply be there. It is our heart that experiences the magnificence of nature, indescribable artistic beauty, and unforgettable joys with loved ones. By opening our hearts daily, our life becomes a channel for radiance that elevates ourselves along with all of existence.

We will practice together:

  • Heart-opening ceremony with cacao (supplies included)
  • Auric infusion with essential oils (supplies included)
  • Vocal toning with mantra chanting
  • Body movement with Qigong
  • Visualization journey with sound bath

Topic 2: Bringing heart and mind into coherence

The Institute of HeartMath’s core concept is heart-brain coherence. Scientists found that by monitoring an individual’s heart rhythm patterns, it is possible to determine the quality of synchronization between heart and brain. By bringing our hearts and minds into coherence, we minimize wasted energy and maximize our ability to adapt, innovate, and thrive. When our mind and heart become disconnected, we more easily succumb to negative emotions such as fear, insecurity, and anger that cause us to react and drain our energy. With an open heart in coherence, positive emotions make us feel more alive and enhance our ability to clearly perceive the world around us, thus making our actions more constructive. Core heart feelings such as appreciation, nonjudgement, forgiveness, and care increase the synchronization and coherence in the heart’s rhythmic patterns. This heart-based state of being is even regenerative to our health, supporting our immune and hormonal systems rather than draining them with needless stress.

We will practice together:

  • Breathing into heart-mind coherence
  • Reiki positions to balance the heart and mind
  • Sending an inward smile to the heart
  • Meditation to bridge the mind and heart

Topic 3: Restoring and embodying heart sovereignty

As powerful as our hearts can be, why are we not accessing their intelligence? From the moment of our first interaction with the outside world through our mother’s womb, layers upon layers of patterns and meanings are imprinted upon us. Painful experiences close our hearts and condition our minds throughout our lives.  As our life story unfolds, each triumph or trauma adds assumptions and directives to our subconscious—similar to lines of code in a computer program. When our heart is open, with our radiance we regain perspective by expanding mind-body into heart-mind-body coherence.

Living in the heart is the natural way of living because that is how creation comes. The heart is the first part of the body that is always vibrating and we are made of vibration. Once we answer the call to awaken our heart, we begin liberating ourselves from the tyranny of self-judgment and others’ expectations of us. The reward is to recover our ability to make choices and take action from our own free will—pure self-expression—rather than in response to the context to which we are subjected. Akin to a caged bird that has forgotten its own wings, we awaken to the fundamental truth that we were born to fly free where our heart chooses.

We will practice together:

  • Reclaiming ritual for a sovereign heart
  • Working with plant allies (cacao and oils included)
  • Power poses to awaken the inner warrior
  • Shamanic journey into heart sovereignty
  • Dancing with the shadow of radiance

Topic 4: Amplifying and channeling heart radiance

When we channel from radiance, we engage with reality beyond what our mind can fathom, transcending apparent limitations. The quest for a unified theory of everything has unraveled scientists’ understanding of the nature of the universe. Whereas classical physics holds that matter exists in a fixed state, string theory suggests that the universe may be an immaterialsymphony of energy frequencies being brought into existence by a unified field. This field resides within our hearts.

When we channel our radiance, we transcend the illusion of separation. To the heart, itself is instantly recognized—to know in one’s heart, a heart-felt action or word, connecting heart-to-heart with another. The heart’s radiance encounters no resistance into manifestation. When we witness the radiance from another’s heart, we experience relief, excitement, and awe as we remember who we are. Our radiant presence is our ultimate contribution to creating reality for all beings.

We will practice together:

  • Affirmations from the heart’s entelechy
  • Expanding the energy field of the heart
  • Sending & receiving the smile of the heart
  • Announcing the regal radiance of the heart

Meet the facilitators

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Uranbileg Batjargal (Urana Heart)

Uranbileg Batjargal (Urana Heart) was born in Mongolia. It is the country of horsemen, warriors, conquers, and nomads who travel camelback, and shamans who communicate with worlds and dimensions beyond the ordinary reality. As a young person, she loved climbing barefoot on the rocky hills, gathering wild berries, conversing with small birds, and singing aloud in the open air in summer.

Uranbileg left Mongolia when she was 19 to study in Japan, where she became immersed in the contemplative arts. She graduated from the University of Tokyo with a Master’s degree in Economics and moved to the United States to pursue a career at the World Bank. Along the way, she was married—and divorced. Brokenhearted, she renewed her connection to the mystical realms through meditation and other contemplative energy practices. She completed three vision quests informed by the Native American tradition of celebrating the coming of age and starting of a new life. Those vision quests changed her life inalterably and continue to guide her work today.

Today, Uranbileg walks in two worlds. As an economist, a business officer, and a certified public accountant, she makes a living by managing budgets and performance reporting and applying data governance strategy and principles. In her other world, Uranbileg is a poet, a certified mindful meditation teacher, Reiki Master, and a practitioner of shamanic healing and sound healing. Her offerings combine an alchemy of practices that help clients remember who they are, heal themselves, and succeed in their endeavors.

Uranbileg’s healing methods alchemize and integrate her native lineage of Mongolian shamanism, 9 years of devotional practice of Bhakti yoga with Sanskrit chanting, her connections to plant medicines, and 6 years of deep apprenticeship with Nature following the native American medicine wheel, four shields, and vision fasts. Her voice is filled with rebellion against the ordinary, longing for freedom and love, coming back to the roots, and connection to nature. Uranbileg’s healing music is heart-felt, grounding, and delightfully joyful.

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Erik Desrosiers

Erik partners with clients to access higher dimensions of being for themselves and their organizations. His approach to coaching is supported by over a decade working as an executive in the energy industry. Much like wind and solar power are now winning beyond all predictions, this era belongs to those with the audacity to believe that there is more to reality than meets the eye.

As a bridge between worlds, Erik alchemizes science and mysticism to shape strategies that unlock unseen possibilities and enable breakthrough results. His approach merges the practical tools he has mastered throughout his business career with powerful psychospiritual modalities such as meditation, breathwork, sound, and movement.

Both entrepreneurs and enterprise executives have found a lasting competitive advantage working with Erik. By elevating our frequency from within and tuning into the field of possibilities from a higher perspective, a single moment can reframe the past and alter the future.



This program is being offered either as two weekday evenings or as a weekend afternoon.

Mid-week evenings: 

Tuesday, September 28th, 2021 | 7pm to 9pm ET

7:00pm ET Welcome and introductions
7:10pm ET Heart-opening ceremony with cacao and essential oils (supplies included)
7:30pm ET Theme: Awakened heart
7:40 pm ET Vocal toning and Qigong with mantra chanting
8:00pm ET Theme: Coherent heart
8:10pm ET Visualization journey with sound bath
8:30pm ET Movement meditation into the field of the heart
8:50pm ET Closing circle

Thursday, September 30th, 2021 | 7pm to 9pm ET

7:00pm ET Theme: Sovereign heart
7:20pm ET Reclaiming ritual with cacao and essential oils (supplies included)
7:40pm ET Embodied journey into the sovereign heart
8:10 pm ET Theme: Radiant heart
8:20pm ET Expansion into the field of the heart
8:40pm ET Affirmations from heart radiance
8:50pm ET Closing circle

Weekend afternoon: 

Saturday, October 2nd, 2021 | 2pm to 6pm ET

2:00pm ET Welcome and introductions
2:10pm ET Heart-opening ceremony with cacao and essential oils (supplies included)
2:30pm ET Theme: Awakened heart
2:40 pm ET Vocal toning and Qigong with mantra chanting
3:00pm ET Theme: Coherent heart
3:10pm ET Visualization journey with sound bath
3:30pm ET Movement meditation into the field of the heart
3:50pm ET Break for self-care (10 min)
4:00pm ET Theme: Sovereign heart
4:20pm ET Reclaiming ritual with cacao and essential oils (supplies included)
4:40pm ET Embodied journey into the sovereign heart
5:10pm ET Theme: Radiant heart
5:20pm ET Expansion into the field of the heart
5:40PM ET Affirmations from heart radiance
5:50PM ET Closing circle


What to bring?

Ceremonial cacao (included with registration) and tools/ingredients for preparation:

  • Coffee mug
  • Boiling water
  • Table spoon
  • Optional: Cinnamon, cayenne pepper, and honey

Essential oil roller (included with registration)

Quality stereo headphones for the sound healing

Journal and pen to take notes

Yoga mat / mattress in case you choose to lay down for the sound healing

Pets, plants, and beautiful natural objects are recommended

If desired, being in nature with good reception will deepen the experience

How to prepare?

Once registered, each participant will receive an email (to your checkout/Paypal email) with the Zoom link, shipping address confirmation for workshop supplies, and an optional pre-read guide.

The workshop experience will support us in opening our hearts and equip us with tools to live from our radiance. Your heart is always calling, so begin now bringing awareness to this space within.

What is ceremonial cacao?

Ceremonial cacao is an ancient spiritual medicine prepared from the cacao bean, the seed of the sweet fruit of the cacao tree. It is cacao in its pure, traditional form, used by ancient civilizations and cultures in ceremonies for generations.

Cacao is one of the most accessible and welcoming plant medicines that opens the heart chakra and helps us return to our original state of a loving being. Cacao helps the receiver to connect the heart and the mind, illuminates a pathway to creativity, and balances the male and female energies within the body.

As part of your registration for this workshop, each participant will receive a 1lb bag of Origen ceremonial-grade cacao ($40 value, shipping included). Origen cacao is grown with love by the Arhuaco indigenous people of the Sierra Nevada region of Colombia.

What are essential oils?

Essential oils are powerful essences of plants, with an ability to transmit healing energies of the plant allies. Urana makes tailored blends of essential oils through connecting with the plant spirits that want to guide us in our journey to wholeness. Urana uses pure therapeutic grade oils from DoTerra.

As part of your registration for this workshop, each participant will receive a 5ml roller of the Awakened Heart blend, which includes several heart-opening and protective essences.

What is sound healing?

The transformative power of sound has been passed down to the present from the sages of many cultures and have inspired, comforted, healed, and empowered the lives of many. The facilitators will use a variety of instruments, including alchemy crystal bowls, and sacred mantras—short phrases packed with energy and intention—to generate powerful sound waves that promote healing, insight, creativity, and spiritual growth.


September 28 (Tuesday) 7:00 pm - October 2 (Saturday) 6:00 pm